“Rīgas satiksme” to assess official corruption risks of its employees
The new temporary Board of “Rīgas satiksme” has decided to establish a working group that will assess processes and will repeatedly assess positions of the company’s employees for a more efficient prevention of corruption risks. The Board has also decided to start the implementation of the ISO 370001:2016 Anti-bribery management system standard.
Pursuant to the “Guidelines on the Main Requirements to the Internal Control System for Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Conflict of Interests in a Public Person Institution”, developed by the Latvian Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) “Rīgas satiksme” has established a working group including representatives of the Risk Management Section, the Quality Management Section, the Internal Management Section, the Economic Section, the Personnel Management Section and the Legal Section. The assessment of risks related to employees’ positions and the company’s processes is to be submitted to “Rīgas satiksme” Board until August 1.
On April 11, the Board of “Rīgas satiksme” decided to start the implementation of the ISO 370001:2016 Anti-bribery management system standard. The above standard provides guidelines for the establishment, maintenance, revision and improvement of the anticorruption management system. This standard aims to prevent various bribery schemes in state and private sectors, with or without an intermediary, benefiting the organization or its individual employees.
Active work is also underway in “Rīgas satiksme” to develop the internal whistle-blowing system, internal regulatory acts are also updated so that the company could be fully prepared for the Whistle Blower law taking effect on May 1.
“Rīgas satiksme” has developed the procedure of pseudonymizing and protecting the whistle blower’s data. As is known, within the meaning of the Whistle blower law, the whistle blower is a person who sounds alarm about violations at his/her working place. It is in the public interests to sound alarm about, for instance, squandering of finance and property, corruption, tax evasion, risks to public health, environment and building safety.
You can find more information on „Rīgas satiksme” services, route schedules, types of tickets and other news www.rigassatiksme.lv and also in social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook.